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Re: Various Triumph Items

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM, taichi!
Subject: Re: Various Triumph Items
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 90 16:00:29 CDT
->1. Next issue of the VTR newsletter, "The English Channel", has been
->printed and will be mailed out early next week (First Class Postage).
        Wonder if I'll get it. I just sent in another membership form earlier
this week since the one I turned in last August never has been cashed....

->2. Bob Bownes asked about sharing a room at the VTR Convention in
->Boulder.  That's always a great idea to save a few bucks.  I believe
->you can have up to 4 adults in a room this year, although I won't
->comment on what type of sleeping arrangements that might lead to.
        Probably alot less cramped than sleeping in the TR, which is where
I'll be if I can't find someone to split a room with....But then I've
always liked using rain tires for pillows!

->3. Darrel Walker asked me about the color of TR-4 seat rails.  Near as
->I can recall they are a silver/silver grey color.  They may actually not
->be painted at all, but maybe someone else with an original car can
->lend more insiight. 

        Mine are silver metal. (TR-6) Not painted at all. This definitly
promotes the massive amounts of rust I discovered....


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