If there is anyone who is missing any of the four parts of my 3M event
report, I will be happy to email. I thought it would be easier to
edit the text in MacWrite than in Lyrix, and it is. The problem is
that the Lyrix would not swallow the whole document, so I had to chop
it into four parts. I told you that I am not a computer professional!
I sent the four parts out in order, but things are't always so
predictable, are they? I think I will stick to my old method of
composing in lyrix for direct mailing to the list, then dumping a copy
into MacWrite for THE RIGHT LINE. I offer apologies to anyone
irritated by the 4 parts this time. Also, Britcar listers, is there
sufficiant interest in my Spridget autocrossing reports in the Britcar
list, or should I only post them to the autocross list?
phile@pwcs.stpaul.gov In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324