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To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: LBC on MT
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 90 09:26:35 pdt
Currently (at least here in the Bay area) Materpiece Theatre is running
a six-part story called "The Charmer" which take place in England during
the late 1930s.  One of the more interesting facets of the story is the
numerous period British cars it features.  The main character of the
story drives one car in particular I've been wondering about.  I think
it's an MG but I'm not sure.  It has clamshell fenders and big wire
wheels similar to a TC's and what appears to be a classic MG radiator.
I have one episode on tape which I've pause on a scene with a good
frontal view of the car but the picture quality just isn't good enough
to make out the logo emblem on the radiator.

The rear of the car is more rounded then a TC's, more like the MG K3
featured in the June issue of Sports Car International.  I also noticed
that the license plate number starts with MG.  Not being familiar with
the plate numbering practice in the UK, I don't if this is just a
coincidence or identifies the car make.  I do know that some Cobras
registered in the UK had plate numbers starting with COB.  On the other
hand, maybe these were just custom plate numbers similar to those here
in the States.  Anyway, has anyone else on the list seen this series who
knows what kind of a car "Captain" Gorse drives?

Roland Dudley

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