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More help TR4

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: More help TR4
From: mit-eddie!!boggiano@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Thomas A. Boggiano)
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 90 07:43:14 EST

First I would like to thank all those of you who answered my plea
for help starting my TR4. It seems it was two problems, the wire
between the starter and solenoid was, well for the mose part frayed
and needed to be replaced, but I think the starter was just jammed
and needed a little friendly persuation to unjam. 

Now that that is behind me New a new problem has started, The car 
refusses to idle at any single point but varryes between about 600
and 1600 RPM. Furthermore it runs roughly when the choke in not on. 
I have checked the timing with a timing light, for I did recently change
the timing chain, but it is steady and on the mark.

Does this all mean that the carb are now not is tune with the vehicle and
need to be retuned? Does anybody have any sugestions on how to do that?
Do they need to be dismantled and rebuilt? Has anybody had any experience 
with doing that? 

Again thanks for the help

                              Tom Boggiano   
                    WPI Office of Academic Computing   

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