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Re: Safety Alert!

To: Alliant.COM!
Subject: Re: Safety Alert!
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Wed, 16 May 90 12:49:52 EDT
I agree with Bill - I learned the hard way.

I'd always used the "jack as spring compressor" on Healeys.  I'd even
take the added precaution of putting the car on stands first and
securing the compressed spring with a big C-clamp.

I was using it one day on the rear end of the Merc (nice soft springs
too) when the scissors jack shifted whilst I was trying to tighten the
C-clamp.  The flying clamp 'bout took off my hand, the spring put a big
dent in the wheel well, and nearly did the  same to my head.  The swing axel 
fell so hard I thought it had broke the joint - it did crack the brake drum.

I'd thought I was being pretty clever.  It only has to not work once.

Mike Tobin

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