I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would be taking my GT6 to a local
MG garage to get a rear wheel bearing replaced. Well the day started well,
bright sunshine roads not too crowded. Finally managed to traverse Bristol
and reach the mechanical wizards who would restore my car to active status.
[Wheel bearings should be able to cope with a kerb at 20 mph anyway :-)]
With promises of the car'll be ready this evening sir ... I set off to work
already drooling at the prospect of getting my car back on the road. A
couple of hours later the garage rings. Heart sinks what's happened, have
they broken a half-shaft tryying to pull the hub ?? Has some frenzied MG owner
presented with the sight of a GT6 in a MG garage taken a blowtorch to it :-)
Nope, seemingly GT6 back ends are slightly different from MG back ends.
NO KIDDING :-) and the quick hack that allows them to bypass the need for a
hydraulic press on MGs wont work on GT6s :-(
Two good things came of the trip. Firstly the owner put me in touch with
a garage that does have a 150 ton press. Secondly the mechanic commented
the GT6 on its lines, claiming it looked like a Ferrari GT, personally
I think the only similarity between my GT6 and a Ferrari is the colour,
but I suppose working on MGs all day can do something to you :-):-)
[Just joking ... honest]
Getting back to my question on redline in a overdrive gearbox. I believe
Redline is 10W-90W, my concern was the OD pump being able to keep up
enough pressure on the clutch plates when the oil was behaving like a 10W
oil. After all, Triumph even recommended SAE90 over SAE80.
Iain mcwill@inmos.com ...or.... mcwill@inmos.co.uk