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Re: brake fluid, shock fluid

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: brake fluid, shock fluid
From: Paul Osborne <mit-eddie!!paul@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 2 May 90 23:45:28 EDT
> > > Standard US-spec DOT 3
> > > fluid will dissolve your brake and clutch seals in fairly
> > > short order.
> > 
> > I think this is a misconception.  I've tried soaking british seals in
> > DOT 3 to see what happens, and its uninteresting.  No sign that DOT 3
> > is a solvent for british rubber seals.  As further proof of this, my
> I tend to think so too.  The brakes on my Healey just went soft - it
> took at least 15 yrs (Iknow you're supposed to replace the stuff every
> couple of years, but brake bleeding is right up there with muffler work
> in my view).  The old selas I've removed have never looked like they've
> been eaten or anything, but there's always lots of evidence of rust.
> I've never had a clutch go soft on any of my Brit Iron.
> Then again, I really don't know what's in the lines - I've always just
> gone to the local parts supermarket and bought stuff labeled "Brake
> Fluid".  Ignorance is Bliss?
> When did DoT 4 come out? Maybe I've been using it without knowing it!
> I've always thought the habit of my Brit factory manuals specifying
> petrolium products of a certain manufacture was some kind of sweethart
> deal with BP or whomever.
> Mike Tobin
        Mike, I noticed something tonight working on a 73 TR6 that the
on the top of the brake resovor the cap says, "use only clean DOT 3 
fluid ", strange that I always thougt this would rot the seals too.
I have always used LMA fluid but have never  found any evidence that 
DOT 3 does anything other then work. Just to be on the safe side I would 
use LMA. Any comments from the TR people, please ck your caps and give 
us a line.


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