In a recent posting, Mark Stiles asked:
> do people (in the USA) avoid valve seat problems when
running old UK cars on unleaded?
I can only address the Triumph marque, but about a year ago the
Vintage Triumph Register asked its membership to write in and
relate any experiances they had with this problem. Only a
handful of the 4800 members responded, and interestingly, those
that did all claimed no problems were experianced with their
vehicles. In some cases, the vehicle had undergone a recent
overhaul during which no unusual or excessive valve seat
recession problems/wear were noted.
On an analysis basis, with 4800 members, IF someone did
have a problem (and knowing that human nature usually
leads to people with a problem being most vocal) none
was reported. As such, I can only conclude that so far
the Triumph marque has been relatively free ofthis problem.
Bill Sohl