I'm still looking for hidden cameras, and my butt is getting bruised where
I keep pinching it. Boy, where do I start? Well, today was a Utah region
autocross at the State fairgrounds. For those of you who may have been to
Salt Lake, the fairgrounds are on North Temple. And if you've been to see
us recently, you would know that the freeway is at the moment shut down to
repair some overpass bridges. So all traffic from the airport to downtown
Salt Lake is routed along North Temple. Lots of people passing by stopped
and watched the proceedings for a bit, including one rental car chock full
of typical business types. After watching us a bit, they came on site and
stopped at MY pit. After I completed that run, they came over and started
up a conversation.
Actually they did most of the talking at first. After they had introduced
themselves, it took me a bit before I could graduate from monosyllabic ohs
and duhs to say anything intelligent. I probably shouldn't give away more
than the minimum so I'll say that one of the fellows, who is no doubt well
known to Triumph fans has the initials "KK". So we got to discussing such
things as old Triumphs, and new sports cars. If the initials KK strike no
bells perhaps you have heard of recent rumblings implying Rover, who still
hold the names MG and Triumph are thinking of getting back into the sports
car world in response to the Mazda Miata. Let me say that without getting
into too many details, that the new Rover offering will NOT be an MG, even
though that is a more well known marque. What I can say, at the moment is
that both I and my white TR will be well cared for during the the upcoming
promotional tour. And it looks as if the "appropriate use of a 1991 XXXX"
roadster may include a fresh set of rubber for the SCCA nationals- Oh Boy!