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Bay Area Gathering

To: alliant!alliant.Alliant.COM!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Bay Area Gathering
From: sgi!!steve@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Steve Valin)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 11:15:33 PST
Well, based on the responses I got, it looks like me, Miq, and Lydia are going 
on this excursion.  Michael might join us if he can get his priorites 
straight %^>. Aran and one other person, whose mail I somehow lost, will not
be able to go.  So, how about the rest of you bay area folk?

Come on (whine, whine, whine).

It's gonna be a nice day. 

Hell, it might even be warm and sunny at the beach!  

I'll assume the rest of you didn't have time to repond, or didn't feel like it.
The meeting time is 1:00pm, this Saturday. The place is the Sears parking lot on
San Antonio rd, Palo Alto. You don't even have to send me mail informing me you 
are going. Just show up.  If your British car is broken or missing, drive 
something else then.  We'll wait in the parking lot for a while. 
If you miss us, come on over to my house, anyway.  I live at 36 Valencia st, 
in Miramar.  Go 2.2 miles north on hiway 1 from the hiway 1 and 92 
signal and turn left on Mirada Rd. Or go about 1.5 miles south (on hwy1) of the 
Princton Harbor/El Granada signal and turn right on Mirada, if you are coming
from the city. Valencia is the next left. 
It is the only house with British cars out front.

If you need directions to the Sears parking lot, or any other info, give me a
work 415 335 1379       home 415 726 1573

See you Saturday (I hope)


steve valin               "It's completely lodged inside you now"
(415) 335-1379                  -Thinking Fellers Union Local #282

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