My dad, in Maine, is looking for parts to use in his restoration of his '63 AH
Sprite. (BTW, thanks for all the color info!) He would like to buy a parts car
('60-'65 sprite/midget). Body is entirely unimportant, Engine periphals should
be in decent condition but the engine itself doesn't matter (ie. cracked block
etc. is ok). He can pick it up himself in the New England area. Does anyone
know someone who would have such a beast? Price negotiable.
He needs the following specific parts:
948 cc ring gear (the engine is the 1048(?)cc but the flywheel and clutch are
from a 948 cc.
Starter Switch for 948cc engine.
Fuel Pump - SU auf200 or compatible
AH hood (for the Sprite, not just any AH :-)
Anyone know where these could be found? Prices negotiable.
Please respond either to me at or call my dad at (207) 374-
5587 between 5:00pm and 9:00pm if you have any info.
Mark J. Andy | "Get a shot off fast, this
E-mail: | upsets him long enough to
Snail Mail: 5601 Wilkins Ave. | to make your second shot
Pgh, PA 15217 | perfect." -- Lazarus Long