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Re: Has it been done?

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Has it been done?
From: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!bcstec!tahoma!gsds@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (K.C.Babb)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 90 16:42:55 PST
>Ed Burns asks:
>>All this talk about MG/Honda mating has got me wondering.    
>>Do any of you know if this has been done using real British
>>bodies and Japanese drivetrains. 

>There's a firm advertizing in the back of Autoweek every now & then which
>claims to make a swap kit for the Mazda Rotary into Spridget.  135hp in
>a Sprite - I'd love to try one sometime.

The fastest E-Modified autocrosser in the country is just such a creature;
a mildly-ported, Weber-ized rotary in a Sprite (with mucho suspension
mods and other pricey goodies).  Goes like stink; one year at Nationals
he broke his gearbox and had to drive the whole course in 2nd gear--
they won anyway.  The car was recently sold to a Chicagoan named
Kinser (former owners were the Kings, from Fresno CA).

All it takes is money...


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