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Zenith-Stromberg carbs...

Subject: Zenith-Stromberg carbs...
From: mit-eddie!!jatc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (James TenCate)
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 90 11:35:35 -0600

I have twin Zenith-Strombergs 175's on my TR7.  I've had great
luck in the past tuning those guys with a Colortune kit (got it
from TRF) and an air flow meter.  Now, however, after a long
trip, the car seems to be running pretty rough and I've had to
play with mixture on one carb more than I think is normal to get
the mixture right AND the car still seems to be running not
quite right...a friend suggested I may have an air/vacuum leak
somewhere around the carbs and I should try and see if I can
find it :-(

I need advice:  how does one go about looking for air/vacuum
leaks?  Any suggestions?


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