The Mk9 Saloon was produced from Oct. '58 to Sept. '61
There were 4021 LHD cars sold and the Chassis # began at 790001
Prices in Hemmings run from about $2000 to $20000 depending on
condition. I personaly would love to have one. I think they are
elagant and very british looking.
The 3.8"s" saloon was produced from Sept 63 to June 68.
There were 5418 LHD sold. Chasis # beginning at 1B75001
Hemmings prices again run from $1500 upward. The typical
price seems to be $5000 to 7000 for cars advertised as
good running condition. These are neat cars also. I personally
prefer the Mk II stye over the 3.8S, but I would take a 3.8S
if I found a good bargain.
One more comment: I rebuilt the carbs on my '72xj6, tuned them, put
in a new rotor (found old one had broken tab that locates rotor
position) and new points. Car starts in 32 degree weather first
crank and runs like a top. That kind of success keeps me going
Gene Johnston