George, I have no direct experience with urethane bushings on a brick, but
I have used them on another car. The ride quality deteriorated greatly,
before the urethane you could drive over a brick and it felt like you drove
over a pebble, after the urethane if you drove over a pebble it felt like
you hit a curb. The handling after was fantastic and since it was a "race
car" the ride quality didn't matter that much. I'm not sure of the durometer
readings of the bushings I installed but if my memory serves it was
someplace around 85-90 A I used delrin in another car and it firmed up the
suspension even more, ride quality was bearable for a race car but totally
unacceptable for a street car. The firmer you go the more road noise you
transfer also.
Rick R
On 7/18/05 11:44:53 PM, George Schiro ( wrote:
> The rubber bushings have deteriorated. I'm thinking of replacing them
>Nyloil bushings that have a Shore A hardness of 75. Has anyone had
>experience installing firmer Polyurethane, Nylon or Delrin bushings in the