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Re: Meet in NJ, SEPT 27th 28th and 29th

To: <>
Subject: Re: Meet in NJ, SEPT 27th 28th and 29th
From: "David Peabody" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 22:19:18 -0400
The meet is for those of us that enjoy our cars and look forward to the
opportunity to talk with other owners and the exchange of ideas

For those of you that have a clear dislike for Malcolm Bricklin, nobody is
forcing you to show up nor are you welcome to use the event as a forum to
criticize him. He and Terry Tanner are appearing as guests to promote the
event and socialize with everyone.

Remember, nobody forced you to buy a Bricklin. Like many old cars, the
Bricklin it has unique frustrations and obvious design flaws but so do many
new cars. Has everyone forgotten the junk that Detroit produced?

How about owning a Chevy Vega or an AMC Spirit or a Ford Fiesta? Remember
the Oldsmobile diesel engine fiasco or the Chrysler Cordoba that had
interiors upholstered with "rich Corinthian Leather..." Did anyone think to
question the fact that there is no such thing as Corinthian Leather?

My point is that you chose to own a very unique car and with it came some
very unique problems but you have the choice to improve your car and make it
better and more enjoyable.

So why not go to the meet to learn more about your car and enjoy the


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