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re: sending unit for stephen early

Subject: re: sending unit for stephen early
From: annie burgess <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:03:45 -0800

if you look over the e-mails in the last couple of weeks, you will find
info on th sending unit removal.  it is easy to do and can be done
without taking the tank off.  the problem could be in the electrical
part or simply a pinhole in the little brass float can allowing it to
partially or completely fill up with fuel.  it might be to your
advantage to take it out and asess the actual problem before you buy
anything.  of course that is my approach because i am not well endowed
moneywise (or, for that matter, in the other way).  if you do not have
the info, i can e-mail you how to remove it.

bob (the poor)  #319

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