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Re: Beginner getting starter motor out...

To: <>
Subject: Re: Beginner getting starter motor out...
From: "CBL302" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 21:46:06 -0400
THE number one thing to do is DISCONNECT the battery,number two is take ONLY
the bolts holding the front part of the starter to the engine block,I am not
sure if there is a bracket on the back end of the starter,if there is remove
the bolt(s) from that, where they are attached to the engine or frame
only,then pull the starter out and down,NOW before you go disconnecting
wires off the starter,either get a CAMCORDER and Film it on tape,or get a
Digital camera and snap a few pics,of how the wires go,if neither is
avalable,then make a diagram on a note pad and mark the wires with masking
tape(wire 1, wire 2, wire 3 ,ect ,ect) and put those correspending numbers
on your diagram,once satified with with your drawing/Digital pic/video,then
go ahead and pull off all the wires from the starter,installing is the
reverse of removing.

Hope this Helps

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Justus" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:56 AM
Subject: Beginner getting starter motor out...

> [I've been having problems sending this... think I've got things figured
>  out now... sorry if you get duplicates!]
> Folks...
> I'm not much of a DIY'r... But I'm resolving to become more
> of one... 2850 is a daily driver for me, but wouldn't start
> last week... After going through JTB's articles on the
> electrical system, I've narrowed things down to the starter
> motor...
> After spending a half hour looking through the engine, I finally
> figured out where the starter solenoid is, and where the
> starter motor is :) [I hope]
> I'd like to pull the starter motor out now... however I'm not
> sure exactly what is holding it in place... I've put a picture
> of it up at ... Which part(s)
> should I be undoing to get this out? [I've numbered the areas 1-3
> on my picture...]
> Any help and/or tips would be appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Chris

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