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Wings and Wheels

Subject: Wings and Wheels
From: "Alan Coleman" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 16:32:18
Although it rained until around noon, a good time was had by all. Although 
it was a small show there were some nice cars there. Unfortunately the 
weather did keep down the number of old planes attending.

Jim Kelliher drove his Bricklin from Chesapeake, VA. Bill Whitaker drove his 
Bricklin down from the Wilmington DE area. Others attending included George 
Curley, Tim Lucas and his dad, and Eddie Komorowski from Wilmington DE 
(couldn't bring his car as it was recently in an accident).

Sunday, June 24th is British Car Day at Allen's Pond Park in Bowie MD. This 
is a large show, (ususlly over 600 cars) with cars coming in from up and 
down the east coast.

While is for British cars, after a few years of trying, Delorean's were 
allowed to enter two years ago (the logic being that Ireland's people are 
subjects of the Queen and that the designer was British).  While we couldn't 
exhibit there, it is a good show, and maybe we could start the pettioning 
process. Being made in Canada, and having British engineers involved in the 
project should make the Bricklin as British as the Delorean.

If anyone is interested in meeting there as a group, let me know.

Alan Coleman


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