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Re: heater/a/c

Subject: Re: heater/a/c
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 18:34:10 EDT
You can replace the switch without taking anything else apart. First pull off 
the black plastic tip from the switch. Next, disconnect the wiring connector. 
Third, remove the screw that holds the switch to the panel. If I remember 
correctly, it is held by just one screw. You'll have to work by feel since 
you won't be able to see back there very well.

The BI website lists the replacement switch as Motorcraft PO25A 032895 . The 
case of the replacement switch is a bit different than the original. You can 
remove the guts of the new switch and put it in the old case.

Check the wiring connector. A lot of current runs through the switch and the 
connector sometimes melts from the heat. I haven't found a good replacement, 
but was able to repair my old connector.

Scott Isensee

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