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Re: Bricklin photo in current AACA magazine

Subject: Re: Bricklin photo in current AACA magazine
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 13:03:56 EDT

Wow that is great.  What class did you enter it in?  The Limited Production 
and Prototype class (#35) is designated as 1946-1972, and Bricklin is not 
listed.  Actually the criterion is 25 years old.  Did you need to petition to 
get Bricklins into that class, or were you in some other production one?  
AACA has a procedure to include other cars and It seems like a logical goal 
for BI to get Bricklin included on the list.  Or has anyone tried in the past?

Sounds like it was a positive experience on balance.  AACA is a respectable 
organization, too bad you seem to have run into a bunch of genuine turkeys.  
Aren't the judges volunteers?  Hopefully they can be educated, as your story 
doesn't inspire much confidence.

Identifying what is original will never be easy because there were so many 
variants of components put on at the factory.  For example the Bricklin 
steering wheel I always thought was the black and alum one that says ASKA 
President.  Then I learned there was also another style used.  And headlight 
actuators: weren't the "wrong" actuators (corvette) put on at the factory?

The items you mentioned were pretty glaring and make those judges sound like 
incompetant hardheaded bozos ("snickering looks"?).  They lost a few points 
in my book.  But what a publicity coup.  Congratulations on your showing 

George Curley

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