I wrote a whole article on the headlight system and rebuilding the actuators
using Corvette parts. Are you a member of BI and did you get a chance to
read it? I think it has a whole vacuum line routing diagram and trouble
shooting check list.
What is likely happening is that because the default for the lights is open,
if when you shut the car off you lose vacuum to the relay(s) before you lose
vacuum to the common feed for the switched leg, the lights by default have
to raise up. The cause of the vacuum loss can be a variety of things. Kim
>I would appreciate any help on a problem I'm going to be working on. Had a
>vaccume leak last year and my head lights would not go down. I found the
>leak and they go up and down but when I'm running the car my headlights
>in a tight down position as they should, when I turn the car off after
>15 seconds the lights raise up about 1/2 inch ( seems the more I've been
>running the more they raise up) they stay up that much untill I the next
>time I start the car then they go to the full down again (untill I shut off
>the engine). Is this a vaccume leak or should I be looking at something
>as the cause? I thank all in advance for any help.
>Thanks Rick