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Re: Hagerty Ins.

Subject: Re: Hagerty Ins.
From: K M <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:47:47 PDT
I had a real problem with them.  I spoke with the representative and told 
him that I had a motorcycle that was my primary vehicle.  He said that it 
was not an issue so I sent the check and photo of the car.  Meanwhile, time 
was marching on.  They called back and wanted the copy of my motorcycle 
insurance so I got that to them. Then they called back in a few days and 
required me to increase my liability amounts on the motorcycle policy.  So I 
called my broker, increased the amount, and told him that I was going with 
Hag.  After all of that, they called and rudely told me that they would not 
insure my car because my vehicle was a motorcycle and its insurance doesn't 
flow to my car.  The reason that Hag is priced as it is (seemingly 
reasonable) is because they severely limit their risk.  That is why they 
want you to have another car that is insured so if you rent a car, etc. and 
wreck it, your existing insurance covers it without effecting their coverage 
on the collector car. Ultimately I got my check and photo back -- the photo 
had a big RECEIVED on... stamp on it and no mention of the increased payment 
that I was now paying on my motorcycle insurance.  Kim

>Hay gang.  Just wondering if anyone read the article in The Brickline about
>Hagerty Ins. and went with the Co.?  If so, I'd appreciate some feedback
>as to how they were, the cost of your ins. and the coverage.
>We are looking at doing an article or 2 for a future magazine one some
>horror stores.  If you have one, please write it up for the magazine.
>John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
>Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229
>               48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
>71 Saab Sonett III (71500840)    75 Bricklin SV1 (0887)    77 Spitfire

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