Gas really wasn't an issue since most sports cars got better gas mileage
than the one's that replaced them.
One problem was availability. The majority of folks bought relatively
inexpensive British cars. The manufacturers didn't / couldn't afford the new
Federal and State safety and emission laws, and one by one fell by the
wayside. England's labor problems and the emerging J. A. Pan Co. hastened
their demise.
The baby boomers settled down, buying homes and starting families. Most
couldn't afford to keep an expensive toy for two. If they could, they bought
boats instead, so the whole family could participate.
Never fear though, those same boomers are now becoming empty nesters again
and the manufacturers are taking note.
-----Original Message-----
>Here is a question I've been pondering for awhile. maby someone here has
>some ideas. In the late sixties, and early seventies it seems that car
>company under the sun had some type of sports car. then suddenly in the
>mid seventies the number of different sports cars dropped dramatically.
>Until today when there are virtually no sports cars in production in
>comparison with the number then. Did this have something to do with the
>gas crisis? if so why didn't the market bounce back? I feel that I am
>lacking important incite since I was not born yet. Anybody have some