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Re: Headlight Mechanisms

Subject: Re: Headlight Mechanisms
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 20:59:38 -0400
At 12:33 AM 9/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone know where I can get parts for the headlight open/close 
>mechanisms?  Especially the hinge springs (mine are pretty rusty) and the 
>nylon rods that go through the springs. Both of my rods broke when I was 
>testing opening and closing the headlights.  I guess they were brittle from 
>age.  Also, is there a special tool to remove the caps from the rods/pins?  
>Prying them off with a screwdriver tends to bend things that probably 
>shouldn't be bent.


I believe I got some rods at the hardware store.  I know I was able to the
the caps.  They are pretty much a distroy to remove and replace item.
Other that trying your local hardware store, I'd suggest you give one of
the main vendors a call, Terry - VA, Bob - MI, Fransen - CA.
>The vacuum actuators seem to be OK but probably could use a rebuild.  I 
>thought I saved the past posting about getting kits from a Corvette parts 
>supplier but couldn't find it.  Could someone re-post it?

Kim wrote an article for the July Brickline.  While the front seal kits he
got work, Terry tells me that the actuactors are NOT Corvette actuactors.
They are very similar but different.

The parts were obtained from: Zip Products


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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