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FW: Bricklin starting problem

Subject: FW: Bricklin starting problem
From: gramsey@FILA-USA.COM
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 11:18:42 -0500

Here's a good puzzler=2E  Can anyone help?
I bought #35 about 3 months ago=2E  When I bought it started and ran OK but=
the ignition switch would not spring back from the start start position=2E=20=
 No big problem=2E

 Then I cleaned the engine and compartment I began having an intermittent =20=
starting problem=2E  Lights on dash light but no starter sound=2E  I found=20=
that if I put the key in the on position and depressed the button on a  =20
"relay type thing" under the hood on the fender well (above starter  =20
relay) that it would start=2E  I did try to clean contacts on wire  =20
connector under hood=2E

The last time I started the Bricklin I pressed that magic button, the  =20
engine started, the starter stayed engaged with the flywheel even though  =20
I turned the sticking ignition to the on position=2E  I then turned the  =20
ignition off to prevent damage to the starter/flywheel and the engine  =20
continued to run with the started engaged, with the ignition off, and the =20=
key in my hand=2E  I ran up and pulled the coil wire off to stop the  =20
engine=2E  The starter relay (which looked fairly new) was smoking=2E  =20
 Apparently it and/or the starter solenoid were this engaged=2E  I grabbed=20=
a wrench and disconnected the battery cable from the starter relay=2E

I didn't know if I should call an exorcist or a good 70's mechanic (I  =20
actually worked at a Buick dealer in 73')=2E  I figured I would start here=20=
before I replace the ignition switch, starter and relay=2E  Also, what is =20=
the first relay I described ("relay type thing")=2E  It looks about like an=
old horn relay=2E 2"Lx1=2E5"Hx1"D metal, with a plastic button within a  =20
button on top=2E  It is mounted to the fender well and has 2 groups of  =20
wires (2 plugs)=2E

I thought it may be either a neutral safety switch relay/bypass or an  =20
ignition relay/bypass?

Any help is greatly appreciated=2E

Gordy Ramsey

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