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#23 for sale.

Subject: #23 for sale.
From: Jim Isbell <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 11:56:25 -0500
I offered #23 for sale about a year ago for $10,000 because I saw a
Continental I wanted to buy that was priced at $10,000.  I felt the brick
was easily worth that being one of the first 200 and being in great shape
with abour 20,000 miles on it.

Well the price of the Continental droped to $5,000 so I will now give away
my Brick at $5K to the first person in the door with $5K cash.
                                    Cheers,  Jim

"Better an outlaw than not free."  Nance Oneil

Low Tech Web page
 (need only web access, no pictures to download)
Medium Tech Web page
 (Need at least VGA and 28K modem or else its very slow)
High Tech Web Page
 (Should have fast modem, fast computer,SVGA, sound capability...etc.)

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