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Just for grins ...

Subject: Just for grins ...
From: "Michael V. Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 1997 04:13:33 -0400

*Thou shalt not read thy Hemmings on company time, lest thy employer make =
it impossible to continue thy car payments.=20

*Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor=27s car nor his garage, nor his battery =

*Thou shalt not store thy car out-of-doors except for thy spouses=27s =
modern iron.=20

*Thou shalt not deceive thy spouse into thinking that thee is taking them =
for a romantic Sunday drive when indeed thou art going out to look at =
another car.=20

*Thou shalt not love thy cars more than thy spouse and children; (as much =
as, but not more)=20

*Thou shalt not despise thy neighbor=27s Edsel, nor his Desoto, nor even =
his =2747 Plymouth.=20

*Thou shalt not tell thy spouse the entire cost of thy latest restoration, =
at least not all at the same time.=20

*Thou shalt not promise thy spouse a new addition to the house and then =
use it to store cars; (Thou shalt not store cars in the attic)=20

*Thou shalt not allow thy sons and daughters to get married during the car =
show season.=20

*Thou shalt not buy thy wife a floor jack for Christmas.=20

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