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Re: BI Club & the Web page

Subject: Re: BI Club & the Web page
From: "S.G.Schiro" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 16:31:32 -0500
> John T. Blair wrote:
> >
> > Please take the time to read this post and respond.  The future of the
> > Web page is in question.
> >
> > I received a phone call ..........
> >
> >
> >   1. How many of you have joined the club because of the Web page?

I joined the club before I joined the Web Page.

> >   2. How many of you will let your membership laps because of the Web page?

I will maintain my membership in the club unless they attempt to limit
the web page in which case my preference is to the web page and the web

> >   3. What do you want to see on the Web page?

Exactly what's on there including convenient access to all the available
technical information.  The postings and discussions amongst the
membership is especially valuable.

> >   4. What do you want from the club - what would make you join?

Exactly what is in the Brickline:  Informative articles, editorials and
technical information.

> >
> > It's my belief that the Web page and mailing list will bring members to
> > the club and if we can show that, we may get more support for the Web
> > page from the Club.

I agree.  The magazine and the web page compliment each other.

George Schiro

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