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Subject: Articles
From: (John T. Blair)
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 17:41:35 -0400
Before this gets out of hand, I feel I'd better say something since
I started it.

1. As Scott just pointed out, an article that is simply scanned and
   put up will eat all kinds of space and be very slow to load.
   This is totally unacceptable.

2. I'm working on getting a scanner.  I will be taking over publishing
   The Brickline after the July issue.  By that time, I WILL have
   a scanner.

3. What we were looking for initially, is simply a list of the    articles
and what Bricklin they appeared in.  Currently, Scott
   and I have been discussing putting old articles on the Net.  We 
   have to go slowly here.  We are trying to build Bricklin 
   International up as a club.  Keep in mind that both the club and
   the original aurthors have copyrights to the articles.  Therefore,
   we can't simply put them on-line.  In addition, there could be
   some political reprecussions in the Club it we move too quickly. 
   We don't want this to happen.

4. The articles that are currently on-line in "Bricklin 
   International's Tech Central" are MY works.  Therefore, there is
   no problem with the author and copyrights.

5. I brought up a roster.  If someone would like to spear head that
   effort, I'd greatly appreciate the help and support.  I can
   email you a blank document that we use on the Morgan mailing
   list.  In turn, you would email a copy to the Bricklin mailing
   list and give us a deadline of when to resubmitt them to you by.
   At that time, you simply put the pieces together into 1 large
   text document and privately email it to each of the respondents.
   The Morgan mailing list usually updates their roster about every
   6 mo.  While we are getting off the ground, maybe we should 
   update it every 3 mo or so.

6. If you have anything that you would like put on-line, please 
   mail or email or FTP it to me.   I prefer the information on
   media so I don't have to retype it.  Currently, I'm running and 
   MS-DOS clone, with Windows 95.  The wordprocessor of choice is 
   MS Works Ver 4.0.  With this I can support MS Word Ver 3-6, 
   WordPerfect Ver 5&6, Windows Write, a plain ASCII file (ie. 
   Notepad), or a file in Rich Text Format (RTF).

   If you have pictures or drawings to accompany the information
   and have access to a scanner, Color pictures should be in JPG
   format, while Black & white line drawings should be in GIF 

   If you don't have access to a scanner and are using an IBM PC
   clone, you could send me the pictures or drawings, and a 3 1/4"
   floppy disk containing any textual information.

John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
     75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire

The one with the most toys, wins!

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