Frank Slater wrote:
> Hi again,
> thanks for the info so far. I wonder if any of you could answer
> this question for me. It is clear that the Bricklin was in high demand
> and that they could have sold many more. People were standing in line to
> buy this car. Paying off dealers to get first in line. why?
> It had poor quality,was expensive, and it would have been
> difficult to have maintenance done on it. Headlights don't work right,
> body panels didn't fit, you couldn't even get in it if you are over 6'2".
> What was it that appealed? Was it the looks? The safety
> features? Or the image of the underdog trying to beat Detroit at its own
> game?
> Looking at it now i can see why collectors like it. What i am
> trying o understand why it was popular when it was new. Was it only
> collectors and auto afficianados who were interested?
> any thoughts you could pass on on this topic would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Frank.
> (by the was i'm 6'4 1/2", so i guess i won't be owning one.)
Although I've only driven my brick 1 time (the trip home before
restoration), I'm 6'4" and didn't have much of a problem fitting into
the car (ie - it wasn't any worse than fitting in my MR2 ! :-) )