The End of Season Dinner is not till November 6, but we need an End of
Season Drive. At the suggestion of BMCU Stalwart Kevin Cowan I will lead
an impromptu such this Sunday October 27.
The route will be:
1) rendezvous at the east end of the Hogle Zoo parking lot at
10:45am for an 11:15am departure
2) drive up Emigration Canyon to Mountain Dell
3) take a short ride (21 miles) on I-80 (spit, spit) to Wanship
exit 155
4) travel north on route 189 through Coalville onto Echo Dam Road
to the I-80 underpass at Echo
5) continue on Old Hwy 30 to Hennefer
6) whence northwest onto Hwy 86
7) onto I-84 westbound at exit 112 (no other choice, alas) to our
lunch spot, Taggarts, exit 108 near Morgan:
After lunch folks can find the way home that best suits them, including
I-84 west to I-15 south, I-84 east to I-80 west, or back the way we came.