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Sure hope you can=2C Mark. It's been too long since we've seen the Bradkis=
Roger D
> Date: Sun=2C 9 Jun 2013 22:00:00 -0600
> From: mark@bradakis.com
> To: bmcu@autox.team.net
> Subject: [Bmcu] I wonder...
> For some time I've had a really minor crack in my truck radiator=2C not=20
> really a
> major issue as long as I top up the coolant on a regular basis.=20
> Apparently this
> heat wave has changed that. Shucks.
> I wonder if I can cobble up the bits I need to get the one Spitfire in=20
> the garage
> running by Field Day? Hmm....
> mjb.
> _______________________________________________
> Bmcu@autox.team.net
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.hmmessage P
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<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>Sure hope you can=2C Mark. =
=3B =3BIt'=3Bs been too long since we'=3Bve seen the Bradkis-mobi=
le.<br><br>Roger D<br><br>> Date:=3B Sun=2C 9 Jun 2013 22:=3B00:=
=3B00 -0600<br>> From:=3B mark@=3Bbradakis.com<br>> To:=3B bmcu=
4=3Bautox.team.net<br>> Subject:=3B [=3BBmcu]=3B I wonder...<br>> =
<br>> For some time I'=3Bve had a really minor crack in my truck radiato=
r=2C not <br>> really a<br>> major issue as long as I top up the coolant on=
a regular basis. <br>> Apparently this<br>> heat wave has changed that. S=
hucks.<br>> <br>> I wonder if I can cobble up the bits I need to get the on=
e Spitfire in <br>> the garage<br>> running by Field Day?=3B Hmm....<br=
>> <br>> mjb.<br>> <br>> <br>> ____________________________________________=
___<br>> Bmcu@=3Bautox.team.net<br>> Donate:=3B http:=3B//www.team=
.net/donate.html<br>> Archive:=3B http:=3B//www.team.net/archive<br>>=
Forums:=3B http:=3B//www.team.net/forums<br>> Unsubscribe/Manage:=
=3B http:=3B//autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/rogerdavis87@=3Bmsn=
.com<br> </div></body>
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