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Good point.=A0 Unfortunately I was also ordering a vanity designation and t=
hey didn't have=0Aa prisoner nearby with an embossing machine.=0A=0AFrom: H=
azel McKenna <hazel.mckenna@gmail.com>=0ATo: sirraymond <gr8britus@yahoo.co=
m>=0ACc: David Clawson <david.clawson@gmail.com>; "Dennis Hoagland, JD" <dr=
.hoagland@hotmail.com>; "Bmcu@autox.team.net" <Bmcu@autox.team.net>=0ASent:=
Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:41 PM=0ASubject: Re: [Bmcu] Registering=0A=0A=
=0ABest bet is to walk into the DMV and have the plates handed to you. Took=
me about 20 mins total to get the new registration and plates at the DMV o=
n 3rd west. Ran into Pugs doing the same thing and he had no bother either.=
=0A=0ASent from Hazel's iPad =0A=0A=0AOn Aug 6, 2011, at 11:03 AM, sirraymo=
nd <gr8britus@yahoo.com> wrote:=0A=0A=0AHere's a headsup.=0A>=A0=0A>I appli=
ed for vintage/vanity plates over six weeks ago.=A0 In the meantime my then=
current=0A>registration expired. (end of June)=0A>=A0=0A>Although current =
at time of application, I have now had to go through the usual aggro=0A>to =
bring registration current before the dmv will actually issue the plates.=
L!=0A>=0A>Ray Astin=0A>From: David Clawson <david.clawson@gmail.com>=0A>To:=
"Dennis Hoagland, JD" <dr.hoagland@hotmail.com>=0A>Cc: Bmcu@autox.team.net=
=0A>Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 10:09 AM=0A>Subject: Re: [Bmcu] Register=
ing=0A>=0A>Good question. My registration was going to expire that same mon=
th, and didn't feel like going through the hassle of getting it to pass emi=
ssions again. It is possible that they had my safety/emissions on file. I s=
hould have asked, but I'm pretty sure that the previous email discussion ch=
ain from a few weeks ago pretty much came to the consensus that no official=
safety/emissions testing was required. Hope that helps.=0A>=0A>On Aug 6, 2=
011, at 10:05 AM, Dennis Hoagland, JD wrote:=0A>=0A>> Darin, When you say y=
ou walked in, was it time for your regular Registration...did you have a cu=
rrent Inspection and/or registration...or was your car already currently re=
gistered and you simply tested the system to see if you could get an antiqu=
e registration?=0A>> =0A>> Dennis Hoagland =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> David Clawson =
<david.clawson@gmail.com> wrote:=0A>> =0A>>> I did this two weeks ago. It c=
onsisted of me just walking into the DMV with the title to my car, saying t=
hat I wanted to register it as a "vintage vehicle", and paying them about $=
60. When I went in, they were out of the vintage plates, so they gave me a =
temporary paper "plate" and sent me the real plates in the mail. Easy!=0A>>=
> =0A>>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:50 AM, Darrin Fletcher wrote:=0A>>> =0A>>>> I=
've been looking on the DMV site for how to get my 1977 MGB registered but =
I can't seem to find anything.=A0 Can anyone give me the lowdown on what I =
need to do and who I should go to in order to get it done?=0A>>>> =0A>>>> -=
Fletch=0A>>>> _______________________________________________=0A>>>> Bmcu@=
autox.team.net=0A>>>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html=0A>>>> Archiv=
e: http://www.team.net/archive=0A>>>> Forums: http://www.team.net/forums=0A=
>>>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/david.c=
lawson@gmail.com=0A>>> =0A>>> _____________________________________________=
__=0A>>> Bmcu@autox.team.net=0A>>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html=
=0A>>> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=0A>>> Forums: http://www.team.n=
et/forums=0A>>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/b=
mcu/dr.hoagland@hotmail.com=0A>>> =0A>=0A>_________________________________=
______________=0A>Bmcu@autox.team.net=0A>Donate: http://www.team.net/donate=
.html=0A>Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=0A>Forums: http://www.team.ne=
t/forums=0A>Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/=
______=0A>Bmcu@autox.team.net=0A>Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html=0A=
>Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=0A>Forums: http://www.team.net/forums=
=0A>Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/hazel.mc=
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<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:ve=
rdana, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div style=3D"RIGHT: auto"><SP=
AN style=3D"RIGHT: auto">Good point. Unfortunately I was also orderin=
g a vanity designation and they didn't have</SPAN></div>
<div style=3D"RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style=3D"RIGHT: auto">a prisoner nearby wi=
th an embossing machine.<VAR id=3Dyui-ie-cursor></VAR></SPAN></div>
<DIV style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt"=
<DIV style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-SI=
ZE: 12pt"><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>
<DIV style=3D"BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; P=
DING-RIGHT: 0px; HEIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 0px; BORDER-TOP: #ccc 1px solid; B=
ORDER-RIGHT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 0px" class=3Dhr readonly=3D"true"=
contenteditable=3D"false"></DIV><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:=
</SPAN></B> Hazel McKenna <hazel.mckenna@gmail.com><BR><B><SPAN style=
=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> sirraymond <gr8britus@yahoo.com>=
;<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Cc:</SPAN></B> David Clawson <=
david.clawson@gmail.com>; "Dennis Hoagland, JD" <dr.hoagland@hotmail.=
com>; "Bmcu@autox.team.net" <Bmcu@autox.team.net><BR><B><SPAN styl=
e=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:41 PM<B=
R><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></B> Re: [Bmcu] Regis=
<DIV id=3Dyiv2111861717>
<DIV>Best bet is to walk into the DMV and have the plates handed to you. To=
ok me about 20 mins total to get the new registration and plates at the DMV=
on 3rd west. Ran into Pugs doing the same thing and he had no bother eithe=
r.<BR><BR>Sent from Hazel's iPad
<DIV><BR>On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:03 AM, sirraymond <<A href=3D"mailto:gr8b=
ritus@yahoo.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:gr8britus=
@yahoo.com">gr8britus@yahoo.com</A>> wrote:<BR><BR></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE type=3D"cite">
<DIV style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, sans=
-serif; COLOR: #000; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">
<DIV><SPAN>Here's a headsup.<VAR id=3Dyiv2111861717yui-ie-cursor></VAR></SP=
<DIV><SPAN>I applied for vintage/vanity plates over six weeks ago. In=
the meantime my then current</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN>registration expired. (end of June)</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN>Although current at time of application, I have now had to go th=
rough the usual aggro</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN>to bring registration current before </SPAN><SPAN>the dmv will a=
ctually issue the plates.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Ray Astin</DIV>
<DIV style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt"=
<DIV style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-SI=
ZE: 12pt"><FONT size=3D2 face=3DArial>
<DIV style=3D"BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; P=
DING-RIGHT: 0px; HEIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 0px; BORDER-TOP: #ccc 1px solid; B=
ORDER-RIGHT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 0px" class=3Dyiv2111861717hr></DI=
V><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></B> David Clawson <<=
A href=3D"mailto:david.clawson@gmail.com"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ym=
><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> "Dennis Hoagland, JD" =
<<A href=3D"mailto:dr.hoagland@hotmail.com"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_bla=
nk ymailto=3D"mailto:dr.hoagland@hotmail.com";>dr.hoagland@hotmail.com</A>&g=
t;<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Cc:</SPAN></B> <A href=3D"mailto=
:Bmcu@autox.team.net" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu=
@autox.team.net"><A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"; rel=3Dnofollow targ=
SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Saturday, August 6, 2011 =
10:09 AM<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></B> Re: [B=
mcu] Registering<BR></FONT><BR>Good question. My registration was going to =
expire that same month, and didn't feel like going through the hassle of ge=
tting it to pass emissions again. It is possible that they had my safety/em=
issions on file. I should have asked, but I'm pretty sure that the previous=
email discussion chain from a few weeks ago pretty much came to the consen=
sus that no official safety/emissions testing was required. Hope that helps=
.<BR><BR>On Aug 6, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Dennis Hoagland, JD wrote:<BR><BR>>=
; Darin, When you say you walked in, was it time for your regular Registrat=
ion...did you have a current Inspection and/or registration...or was your c=
ar already currently registered and you simply tested the system to see if
you could get an antique registration?<BR>> <BR>> Dennis Hoagland <B=
R>> <BR>> <BR>> David Clawson <<A href=3D"mailto:david.clawson@=
gmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:david.clawson@g=
mail.com"><A href=3D"mailto:david.clawson@gmail.com"; rel=3Dnofollow target=
=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:david.clawson@gmail.com";>david.clawson@gmail.co=
m</A></A>> wrote:<BR>> <BR>>> I did this two weeks ago. It cons=
isted of me just walking into the DMV with the title to my car, saying that=
I wanted to register it as a "vintage vehicle", and paying them about $60.=
When I went in, they were out of the vintage plates, so they gave me a tem=
porary paper "plate" and sent me the real plates in the mail. Easy!<BR>>=
> <BR>>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:50 AM, Darrin Fletcher wrote:<BR>>=
;> <BR>>>> I've been looking on the DMV site for how to get my =
1977 MGB registered but I can't seem to find anything. Can anyone giv=
e me the
lowdown on what I need to do and who I should go to in order to get it don=
e?<BR>>>> <BR>>>> - Fletch<BR>>>> ______________=
_________________________________<BR>>>> <A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@au=
tox.team.net" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.t=
eam.net"><A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_bl=
ank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net";>Bmcu@autox.team.net</A></A><BR>&=
gt;>> Donate: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; rel=3Dnofol=
low target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; rel=3Dnofol=
low target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/donate.html</A></A><BR>>>>=
Archive: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_=
blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blan=
k>http://www.team.net/archive</A></A><BR>>>> Forums: <A href=3D"ht=
tp://www.team.net/forums" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://=
www.team.net/forums" rel=3Dnofollow
target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/forums</A></A><BR>>>> Unsubsc=
ribe/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/david.cl=
awson@gmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://autox.tea=
m.net/mailman/options/bmcu/david.clawson@gmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=
m</A></A><BR>>> <BR>>> ________________________________________=
_______<BR>>> <A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"; rel=3Dnofollow t=
arget=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net";><A href=3D"mailto:Bmc=
u@autox.team.net" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@aut=
ox.team.net">Bmcu@autox.team.net</A></A><BR>>> Donate: <A href=3D"htt=
p://www.team.net/donate.html" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"htt=
p://www.team.net/donate.html" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://www.tea=
m.net/donate.html</A></A><BR>>> Archive: <A href=3D"http://www.team.n=
et/archive" rel=3Dnofollow
target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3Dnofollow tar=
get=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/archive</A></A><BR>>> Forums: <A hre=
f=3D"http://www.team.net/forums"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"=
http://www.team.net/forums"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://www.team.=
net/forums</A></A><BR>>> Unsubscribe/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.=
team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/dr.hoagland@hotmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow targe=
t=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/dr.hoaglan=
d@hotmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://autox.team.net/mailman=
/options/bmcu/dr.hoagland@hotmail.com</A></A><BR>>> <BR><BR>_________=
______________________________________<BR><A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team=
.net" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymailto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"=
><A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymai=
lto=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net";>Bmcu@autox.team.net</A></A><BR>Donate: <=
A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";
rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"=
rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/donate.html</A></A><BR>=
Archive: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_b=
lank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank=
>http://www.team.net/archive</A></A><BR>Forums: <A href=3D"http://www.team.=
net/forums" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/f=
orums" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/forums</A></A><BR=
>Unsubscribe/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/=
gr8britus@yahoo.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A href=3D"http://autox=
.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/gr8britus@yahoo.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=
<BLOCKQUOTE type=3D"cite">
<A href=3D"mailto:Bmcu@autox.team.net"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank ymail=
onate: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D=
_blank><A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; rel=3Dnofollow target=3D=
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forums" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/forums</A></A></=
SPAN><BR><SPAN>Unsubscribe/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman=
/options/bmcu/hazel.mckenna@gmail.com" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank><A
" rel=3Dnofollow target=3D_blank>http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu=
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Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
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