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Re: [Bmcu] What a weekend!

To: "Andrew Frink" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Bmcu] What a weekend!
From: R J DAVIS <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 16:00:29 -0600
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Thanks=2C Drew and Jenny=2C

Just got home=2C 3:30PM=2C with no problems.  Kevin & Marie=2C and John and=
 JoAnn=2C went with us and we went up US 89 through Salina and Fairview to =
US 6 and then weaved our way through Utah County to home.  The only thing t=
hat was strange on the trip was the huge power outage in the Salina to Ephr=
aim area.  No food=2C no fuel=2C no rest stops were open.  We encountered a=
 few areas of rain and one short stretch of hail just before Hwy 6=2C but n=
othing that could put a frown on our faces.

Thanks to all the Torrey Tourers and Cruisers on Saturday.  I hope that eve=
ryone had as good a time as Jill and I did.  Thanks for making this tour a =
memorable one for us.  Besides having a super good time=2C we also had the =
opportunity to make new friends.  A perfect combination.

Time is:  next tour?   - days and counting.   Where are we going next?  Wil=
l you be breaking the fun meter with us?

Roger D

> From:
> Date: Mon=2C 30 May 2011 13:47:44 -0600
> To:
> Subject: [Bmcu] What a weekend!
> Got back from Torrey at about 11:30 this morning=2C what a weekend was ha=
d! Windy=2C sometimes cold=2C sometimes nice=2C but all together far nicer =
than we had feared the weather would be. Photos and writeups to follow=2C b=
ut I did want to send a huge THANK YOU to Paul and Roger for all the work t=
hey did arranging this event. Jenny and I had a great time (muffler hanger =
> -Drew and Jenny Frink
> _______________________________________________
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.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
Thanks=2C Drew and Jenny=2C<br><br>Just got home=2C 3:30PM=2C with no probl=
ems.&nbsp=3B Kevin &amp=3B Marie=2C and John and JoAnn=2C went with us and =
we went up US 89 through Salina and Fairview to US 6 and then weaved our wa=
y through Utah County to home.&nbsp=3B The only thing that was strange on t=
he trip was the huge power outage in the Salina to Ephraim area.&nbsp=3B No=
 food=2C no fuel=2C no rest stops were open.&nbsp=3B We encountered a few a=
reas of rain and one short stretch of hail just before Hwy 6=2C but nothing=
 that could put a frown on our faces.<br><br>Thanks to all the Torrey Toure=
rs and Cruisers on Saturday.&nbsp=3B I hope that everyone had as good a tim=
e as Jill and I did.&nbsp=3B Thanks for making this tour a memorable one fo=
r us.&nbsp=3B Besides having a super good time=2C we also had the opportuni=
ty to make new friends.&nbsp=3B A perfect combination.<br><br>Time is:&nbsp=
=3B next tour?&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B - days and counting.&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B Where a=
re we going next?&nbsp=3B Will you be breaking the fun meter with us?<br><b=
r>Roger D<br><br><br><br>&gt=3B From:<br>&gt=3B Date: M=
on=2C 30 May 2011 13:47:44 -0600<br>&gt=3B To:<br>&gt=
=3B Subject: [Bmcu] What a weekend!<br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B Got back from Torr=
ey at about 11:30 this morning=2C what a weekend was had! Windy=2C sometime=
s cold=2C sometimes nice=2C but all together far nicer than we had feared t=
he weather would be. Photos and writeups to follow=2C but I did want to sen=
d a huge THANK YOU to Paul and Roger for all the work they did arranging th=
is event. Jenny and I had a great time (muffler hanger excluded).<br>&gt=3B=
 <br>&gt=3B -Drew and Jenny Frink<br>&gt=3B _______________________________=
________________<br>&gt=3B<br>&gt=3B Donate: http://www=<br>&gt=3B Archive:<br>&gt=
=3B Forums:<br>&gt=3B Unsubscribe/Manage: http:/=


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