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Re: [Bmcu] 57 TR3 Finally on the road and a brake question

To: "Bmcu" <>
Subject: Re: [Bmcu] 57 TR3 Finally on the road and a brake question
From: "Andrew Frink" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 13:14:43 -0600
** Check out  **

First off, congratulations on getting your TR3 back on the road. Well done.

I don't have any great suggestions for your fluid issue other than to
check all of your lines and connections carefully for leaks. Maybe pull
the master cylinders and see if there is any fluid present underneath them
(I'm not familiar with the mounting on a TR3).

> ** Check out  **
> After about 5 years I now have my 57 TR3 (TS16441L) legally on the road in
> Utah!!B  The car has been sitting for 41 years, but I have only had it for
> ~5
> yrs.B  Fun to drive and little scary for someone who has never driven
> anything
> similar.B  My daily drivers are a 1992 MR2 turbo and an Audi allroad.B
> Thanks
> to
> all of those who have answered questions along the way and to Mark for
> running
> the list.
> B
> Here is my question
> When I went to drive the car the other day, the brake/clutch reservoirs
> were
> empty (or at least nearly so).B  I had filled them and bled the system
> about
> 4
> months earlier after replacing the seals in the brakes and the rubber
> lines.B
> I
> did not do anything to the master cylinders, but the pedal seemed to be
> firm
> and
> everything was working fine.B  So I added a bunch of fluid and was able to
> drive,
> the brakes were a little spongy, and the clutch didn't feel like it was
> totally
> disengaging without pumping, but I assume it just needs bled.
> B
> My question is, where could the fluid have gone?B  my first thought was
> the
> master cylinder, but if that was the case, I would have expected one of
> the
> baffles in the reservoir to be low.B  Should I replace seals in them
> anyway?,
> sounds like a lot of work.
> B
> On another note, I tried last night to put the soft top on.B  I wasn't
> sure
> how
> to make it fit, so I tried attaching the top with the frame not fully
> erected
> and then tried to push it erect.B  Is that the right way to do it?B  I
> ended
> up
> ripping a seam, but I guess that isn't to surprising for a >40 yr old top.
> B
> thanks,
> Jeremiah
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