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Fall Colour Tour this Sunday 10/2

To: "BMCU Members" <>
Subject: Fall Colour Tour this Sunday 10/2
From: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 06:22:18 -0600
For the fall colour tour scheduled on Sunday, October 2, we will head to
Monte Cristo Peak. The idea is to benefit from less freeway and more scenic
driving for most folks.

We will meet at the Kaysville I-15 exit park and ride (exit 328) at 9:30 am
for a 10:00 am departure. The park and ride is on the southwest side of
I-15. We will go up highway 89 to I-84 to Mountain Green, over Trappers Loop
to Huntsville and on to Monte Cristo Peak. There is a campground at the top
with picnic tables so we can stop for lunch.  The run will be about 59 miles
from Kaysville to Monte Cristo peak. Given that the ride is one of our rare
Sunday events, we thought that some people might have to get back home early
and this will give them an opportunity to do so.  Those that want a longer
run can continue on the same road to Woodruff, highway 16 to Evanston and
back to the Salt Lake City, Provo or Ogden areas.  

This is the last club driving event of the season, and the weather can be
chilly at 8500 feet elevation, so bring warm clothes. Also there is a chance
that we may have snow on the roads, so if the weather is bad and we have to
cancel we will notify people through the BMCU email list and web site. For
those without computer connections, if you will call me (John Progess,
547-0259) and leave a message with your phone numbers, I will call you and
let you know if we have to cancel. Hope to see you on October 2!

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