This weekend, August 13/14, is the next IVR race weekend at the old Wendover
airfield. If you've ever wondered what it is we do out there, this may be
a good weekend to come out and see what is going on. The main attraction
in Wendover this weekend, though, is the opening of Speedweek.
If you don't know, Speedweek is the premier land speed trials out on
the Salt Flats. There will be a zillion competitors out there, and
just browsing through the casino parking lots can be a treat for hot
rod enthusiasts. There's always some impressive machinery on hand.
So if you want to see some neat cars, head on out to Wendover. And if
you come out saturday afternoon, stop by the old airport to see what the
IVR folks are up to - maybe you'll catch one of the wheel to wheel racing
sessions, or perhaps just show up in time for the saturday happy hour and
bbq about 4 or 5 or 6 or so. But don't plan on just popping into a hotel to
get a room for the night. During Speedweek, most rooms are booked the
previous year, there's usually nothing left by the time the event actually
If Wendover is not in the plans for you, don't forget the Alpine Loop
coming up August 20th. I'll probably be in the old Honda again, drat!
Perhaps if I buy enough raffle tickets, I can acquire the parts to build
a streetable British car for the next event...
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