Now in the mail (as of July 3) is the latest issue of North American Pylon.
This month we cover the:
7 DC Pro Solo at FedEx Field won by Maryland native Andy Hollis in an '88
Honda Civic.
7 Devens, MA, National Tour sees Sam Strano win F Stock by over a second in
a Shelby Mustang.
7 Reno Region wins Nevada's North-South for the ninth time.
7 CART dances in the rain at Pocono; then has a drier event at Hartford,
7.Chris Franson, DSP BMW 325, is quickest at New England Region's second
7 ASN Canada's National Autoslalom Championship will be held Aug. 1-3 on
Prince Edward Island.
7 Frank Zust, Franken Lotus, sets FTD at Arizona's 'dry heat' Summer #1.
7 Nick Fandacone quickest at CART #6 at Hartford, CT.
7 Ric Quinonez is quickest at SF #8 at Oakland (CA) Coliseum aboard his A
Mod Shark.
7 Harold Olsen wins C3 at Western States Corvette Council, in Fairfield,
Plus columns by:
Pat Kelly on Faster Communication.
Lorenzi the Scribe marries off a daughter, gains a Corvette enthusiast.
Editor John Kelly praises DC Pro Solo, suggests a divisional on the Fed
Ex site.
Warren Leveque looks back at the beginning of Sports Racers.
Abner Perney writes about "Haulin' from Denver to Salina in 4 hours."
Plus the most Autocross Calendar you've ever seen.
The Garage Sale is where you'll find your next autocross winner (or parts
For delivery by a uniformed official of the U.S. Postal Service, call
during 9-5 PDT and charge the $29 for 12 monthly issues to your plastic
Or mail your check for US$29 to P.O. Box 1203, Pleasanton, CA
--John Kelly, editor