Well, the database now has about 300 fewer car numbers. I retired all car
numbers that are "unused" according to these rules:
- Numbers in a class that were not used in competition during the last 2
years. Fun Runs don't count.
- Numbers 200 and above that were not used at least twice in the last 2
Logic here is that numbers over 200 are generally temporary numbers. If you
really want a high number, be sure to use it a few times a year.
I attempted to preserve any numbers that were changed in the last month, too.
This is the first time doing this so errors may be possible. Please check the
database and make sure the numbers you expect are still there. If your number
got erased by mistake, I will arbitrate to make sure you get first dibs.
Please report any problem to me and I'll try to get it fixed as soon as I
If a number you like is missing, first just add it baclk in online.
Everybody else, have at it and I hope you can get that number you have been
looking for. Actually not too many numbers under 200 were deleted.
Check your car numbers out here: