Sorry for any misunderstanding. The Firefox / mozilla problem is on *SCCA's
site*, not SFR's. You can scroll right to find all the run groups if they
don't show. Not sure where the other link issue came from but it is working
from SFR's site now.
Just a warning - the Tour can fill up quickly, it's at 108 as I write this.
The cap is listed this year at 300, which has been successively reduced the
last two years, and was full up each of those years. So use the online reg
or fill out the form and fax it in ASAP!
STX looking tough, already 9 people signed up - two from out of state:
Beaverton, OR, and Corona. That latter is in Lower California. (Oooo, the
first Cal Club dissing - let the rivalry begin!)
Paul T. #35 STX