I thought the Steering Committee already voted to retain BP (2006
rules) as a regional class last meeting?
Viet-Tam Luu (a.k.a. "Tam")
SFR-SCCA Solo2 #149 T1-CS, #149 EM
Sponsored by WORKS (www.WorksEvo.com)
On 12/12/06, John J. Stimson-III <john@harlie.idsfa.net> wrote:
> According to the December Fastrack, BP will no longer be a nationally
> recognized SCCA class, subject to the approval of the Board of
> Directors.
> Assuming that it goes away, are there people in the San Francisco
> Region who would like to create a local BP class and run in it?
> Two drivers ran in BP at more than two SFR events in 2006. Are there
> others out there who might run in the future? Are you building a BP
> car? Do you have a BP car and expect to start coming to SFR SCCA
> events when Castle closes down? Let us know!
> This is likely to be discussed at the steering committee meeting
> tonight, so get your initial comments in ASAP.