I forgot to specifically thank the "behind the scenes" helpers, and as it's
the final event of the Season(s) it seems appropriate - Thank to Pilar,
Barry, and the rest who make things happen in for our events. Unfortunately
the list of officers on the Website is out of date (both Officers and
Steering Committee show 2004) so I can't get all the names right at the
moment. But clean, working porta-potties is high on my list of necessities
as some may remember! :-)
And for those not "in the know", I mentioned Alexander K's incident because
it was nearby, but not _at_ the event. I was vague more or less on purpose
because I didn't have personal knowledge of the occurrence, just several
hearsay reports. It just would have seemed disrespectful to not mention it
as it was so nearby: it was offsite however, on the offramp to the
Coliseum. Alexander's post(s) on the subject are online at
He himself gives a review of hydroplaning and wide Summer tires with minimal
tread depth on a lightweight car. :-( The possible good news, if any, is
that as it wasn't AT a motorsports event, there is a much better chance of a
no-hassle insurance encounter....
Round 6 co-Chair, Paul Tibbals