This is a get together for AWD-Cars (all mfg) just to meet/show their
cars and bench racing. Dealers can bring their latest awd-cars for
others to gander (hint/hint).
Stock to Modified cars...Trailered cars okay-parking is open.
If you bring somebody that is not into this, they can walk or shop
around the Row, there are lot of shops.
Starts: 8:00am>11:00am at parking lot in Santana Row (santana row<>olsen
drive), lot close to the Cinearts Bldg. It is also right across 'Peets
Coffee' (one can take Stevens Creek Blvd, turn to Winchester towards
the row)
>Obey all traffic laws
>Watch the noise level (people live there)
>Take one parking spot only
>Really loud racecars that arrives before 10am well push it to a park
spot from trailer
>Have fun, talk,show your car.
Please bring your exotic 2WD-AWD Rally Car (pro/amateur) to the meet
1960's>current models.
Map link to Santana Row: