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To: "" <>,
Subject: Pylon
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:29:45 -0500
Good morning.
North American Pylon has been in the mail for a week, soon to arrive on
subscriber's doorsteps. In this issue we cover the National Tour at Fort
Myers, including the COMPLETE results from both days. 
        And we cover the two season openeing events in San Francisco
To subscribe, send $29 for a 12-month subscription to:
        North American Pylon
        P.O. Box 1203
        Pleasanton, CA 94566

Be sure to include your mailing address and zip code.
        Call 1-800-58-KELLY during west coast business hours, 9-5, M-F, and
charge it to your plastic card. We accept Visa, MC, Amer Express  or even
        Next up is the February issue. 

--John Kelly, editor

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