i agree wholeheartedly with mr kelly. work groups are really long.
working right after driving wasnt fun either, as driving is actually
kind of exhausting, and id like a break before standing for two hours.
i will repeat that you dont need three or more people at every work
station. i will prove this by working a station all by myself next event.
OSP - Onerously Shagging Pointers
John Kelly wrote:
> While I realize the 6-run group system is new, I find the system to
>be less than sensational as it appears to require people to work as long as
>two hours. The orignal 8-group system required a single hour or less.
> Of course if the goal was to scare away people, then success has
>been achieved.
>I'm in favor of the 8-group system for our regular summer series and then
>go to a 6-group system in the Slush Series. Where we, the Steering
>Committee, screwed up in 2005 was in remaining with the 8-group system for
>the Slush Series.
> From that error we were "analyzed" to go to a 6-group system for
>2006, and we all now know what happens with that.
> Two-hour work groups, as we had yesterday, are unacceptable.
> Let's repair the arrangement before we drive the region's autocross
>program out of business.
>--John Kelly