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Re: SFR, new run/work format

To: Donald McKenna <>
Subject: Re: SFR, new run/work format
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 11:02:08 -0800
On Jan 21, 2006, at 10:26, Donald McKenna wrote:

> The main objective for implementing the new format is to be able, more
> consistently, to have adequate numbers of workers for each group  
> and, in
> turn, minimize/eliminate the delays caused while chairs take the  
> time to
> solicit, and then wait for, volunteers to work more than one work
> assignment. Obviously as an additional objective, this change is also
> intended, by requiring fewer volunteer workers, to more equally  
> spread the
> work time amongst all participants.

The latter isn't an obvious nor necessary benefit.  You don't have  
any more or fewer total work assignments (volunteers aside) with the  
work groups divided up differently.  If you have to ask for  
assistance with smaller groups, it means that you have surplus  
workers in the larger ones.  There's no reason you can't review the  
work sheets and ask for volunteers to SWITCH work groups, or to have  
non-fixed work/run group assignments, rather than to have people work  
twice.  I'm not saying either of those are or aren't more workable -  
just pointing out that your conclusion doesn't follow as the night  
the day.

> As you can see, unlike either of our previous eight or six run/work  
> formats,
> four of the work groups are scheduled immediately following their,
> respective, run group. Accordingly, in order to facilitate on-the- 
> fly worker
> changeovers, thereby minimizing changeover times between run  
> groups, all
> competitors in these four run/work groups must exit the grid area
> immediately after running, park their vehicles and quickly report  
> for their
> work assignments.

Good luck with that - San Diego has groups arranged similarly, and  
I've observed not only consistent and LONG downtime between groups,  
but a noticeable increase in regular late-to-grid offenders, with the  
resultant sand-bagging and slow-to-finish grid problems.

DEFIINITELY try to run multiple grids if you take this approach, but  
I still think you're going to have problems.

The best solution I've seen to the problem is 8 run groups with a  
very active event chair or designate handling work assignments, along  
with open work group signup that doesn't have a zillion slots for  
"Course".  Working course is popular for some reason, make it limited  
and exclusive, not the default assignment.


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