Hello autocrossers -
If any of you are thinking of arriving at the Altamont Raceway Rallycross on
Sunday, November 6 and signing up there - you will not be able to do so. The
entry list is closed (and overfilled slightly with 93 entrants). The only
chance you would have of getting a spot would be in the first run group (at 9
a.m.) if some pre-registered entrants do not show up.
We would love to have you come out and be a part of our first-ever RallyCross
at Altamont, but do not want you to be disappointed. For info on the event and
directions to Altamont, see the web page: http://www.sfrscca.org/RallyX/
Sherry Grantz
Region Administrator
San Francisco Region Office
(530) 934-4455 x 104