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Alternative Sites...

To: BA Autocross <>
Subject: Alternative Sites...
From: Jim Plotkin <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 17:34:34 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks to Mike Wood and others, for checking out possible new locations for us 
to play. Sure hope the existing locale owners don't see what others can get, 
'cause it would kill our sport, if we had to pay $3k per day. With this in 
mind, let's be thankful we have the sites we do. Over this past year, I've read 
lots of grumbling about surface quality and restroom access (Oakland) and how 
far a drive some venues are. Remember, no one OWES us a place to play, and it's 
all too easy to lose a site. Go potty before you arrive, just in case. Stop 
complaining and grab a broom and bring duct tape for your fenders. Now, have a 
fun time!

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