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Re: Lower attendance in the fall and winter

Subject: Re: Lower attendance in the fall and winter
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 17:13:07 GMT
It is a good thing that attendance drops in the fall and winter. The daylight 
hours decrease by two hours between August and December. We lose another hour 
from November until April due to going off daylight savings time.
It was unprecedented attendance in the slush and a scheduled November event at 
GGF where we lose another hour due to do a 10:00am start time that prompted the 
discussion leading to the decision to require SCCA memberships. It DID NOT 
result in a sudden decline in attendance, but may have slowed down the growth 
(we'll never know much).
It was last run groups running in the dark in spring that prompted us to reduce 
the number of runs from four to three. That didn't result in a sudden decline 
in attendance either but made it much easier to finish the events before dark 
or site curfews.
I suspect if some of you keep hasseling the weathergoddess we might very well 
see a sudden and dramatic drop in attendance.
-- John Kelly <> wrote:
We are now at the traditional low point in attendance. So let's not get
excited overcurrent low attendance as it has work that way in our
neighborhood for over 30 year.
        Autocross attendanxe booms in the early part of the year. Bay Area
Autocrosses hit a peak several events into the year, then they slowly back
off as the season progresses.

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